What a gorgeous night it was in Newcastle last night to farewell 2011 and bring in the New Year. As the site statistics below show, as well as the good numbers we have had physically attending our events throughout 2011, we’ve also had over 5000 unique visitors to our website.
As you can see from the visit duration statistics below, a large number of visitors found plenty to read about on our site, with around 2000 visitors staying for at least 30 minutes and over 2000 spending at least an hour on site.
Australian IP addresses still provide the largest number of visitors, but, as the figures below show, we’ve had a significant number of visitors from the USA and other countries.
Thanks again to all of our supporters throughout 2011. We look forward to seeing you in 2012 at our events, or engaging with our site. Don’t forget that you can use the buttons our website to like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. Or, you can always use the Contact page on the site, or click the Comment link. Please be a part of the conversation as we move ahead into a New Year.